The Galapagos…again!

Yes Boatbloggers®

We know The Galapagos is a once-in-a-lifetime place to go, but we here on the good ship Domini have done it twice. This time with a difference. This time the whole gang came out.

Everyone really

So we won’t bore you with all the usual photos of the Galapagan wildlife – you can see all that in our previous blog – but we’ll try to show you some of the things we got up to.

Of course it wouldn’t be a holiday in Los Galapagos if you didn’t do some diving. Here’s Joe, Ju & Rory about to jump…

3 Divers

Joe completed his PADI training course while he was here, so he’s now a qualified diver. Well done Joe!

Ben and Joe on boat

There is an enormous amount of fish. We even swam inside a baitball which is literally millions of fish all swimming around in a huge ball to protect themselves from the sharks and other things that want to eat them.


We just hope that this isn’t the time the shark decides to raid the baitball.

Ok – so I said no pictures of wildlife, but this one of the rays is pretty good.

Rays 1

Here’s Rory…

Rory Diver 2

But it wasn’t all under the water. We sailed (well…motored if we’re honest) from San Cristobal to Santa Cruz, and stopped for a bit of deep water swimming off the back of the boat on the way.

Deep sea swimming

You can’t do a blog about the Galapagos without mentioning the Giant Tortoises.

Tortoise 2

And they are pretty massive.

Tortoise 1

Here’s one for the caption competition.

Tortoise fighting

Answers on a ten pound note to the usual address, and the winner gets to take the crew of Domini out for a slap up meal.

And now the Boatblog® quiz.

Q: How do Giant Tortoises make love?

Tortoise humping

A: Slowly.

It’s only when you try on the shells that you realise what an achievement it is.

Press ups

We also went down the nearby lava tunnels. It was a bit wet, so they made us all wear wellies.

Boots 2

Which you did need.


Because it was quite deep.

Sink hole

We went surfing…


Hiked up to the top of the volcanos.

Alice knackered

Till the mist rolled in.


But sadly it wasn’t all just fun and games. Ben, who is a professional coder (for those of you over fifty, that’s something to do with computers) unfortunately had to do some work while he was over here.

Ben working 2

And we found time to enjoy a drink or two. This one was particularly popular,

Clitoris cocktail

because it is made out of this flower, which has a rather surprising name.

Clitoris flower

I’m afraid you’ll have to figure it out for yourselves, but here’s a clue. It is called what it is called, because that is what it resembles. Though only if you are ill.

We took lots of photos. 


Especially of people taking photos.

Oh – I can’t resist any longer. Here’s some photos of the wildlife. First up, a marine iguana…


A sleeping sea lion. Or as they call them over here, a sea wolf.

Sealion 1

Despite our best efforts with the fenders, this cheeky one got onto the boat.

Sealion 2

Here’s one of Darwin’s finches.


At least we think it is. They all look a bit the same to us. Which I guess is why we didn’t come up with a theory about evolution.

Talking of which, you have to hand it to the Seventh Day Adventists. They’ve just built a church right in the middle of town.


Given that they’re all Creationists, they’re trying hard taking the message right to the heathen heartland.

Here’s a heron. 


Not the most unique of birds, but it’s still a nice picture. And here’s a dancing booby.


And now, can you guess what Lyn & Alice have just seen?


Answer below.

In the mean time, here is this edition’s gratuitous sunset, submitted by Rory.


And a turtle especially for James.

Turtle 2

But our favourite photo is of Ju & Joe by Troels on SV Atreju. Thanks Troels


And now here’s the answer to the “What Did Lyn & Alice Just See?” quiz.


Hasta luego Boatblog® fans. And let’s face it, you must be fans if you’ve got this far.

Next stop, The Marquesas. We leave on Wednesday (4th March) and it’s quite a big crossing. Actually longer than the Atlantic so don’t forget to track us on…

Ju & Lyn